TIPPING+ proposes a step-wise advance in the empirical characterisation, identification and assessment of the critical concept of Social-Ecological Tipping Points (SETPs) to help understand the underlying social processes and socio-structural changes which determine the adoption of alternative low-carbon, clean-energy development trajectories in CCIRs
TIPPING+ will provide theoretical and empirical analyses of the following cross-cutting dimensions, deemed to be relevant for characterising and explaining the occurrence of SETPs related to energy transitions at the regional level:
The project's main focus is the exploration of the conditions and potential interventions supporting the emergence of positive tipping points towards low-carbon, clean-energy transitions in a total of 20 selected European CCIRs case studies – and complemented with the insights from other international partners and cases.
TIPPING+ proposes that the achievement of desired futures and deliberate transformations in social-ecological systems depend on three main components:
A positive tipping point is achieved whenever necessary and sufficient capacities have been built to implement the kinds of solutions/actions to achieve a transformative vision of the system, so that new desired systems’ conditions are created.
TIPPING+ will develop innovative empirical guidelines to understand key tipping points dynamics in energy transitions together with an integrated analytical framework carried out using a participatory methodology.