GCF – Global Climate Forum e.V., ( founded in 2001 and based in Berlin, is a global research association that initiates and performs high-class research on climate change, sustainability transitions, and related global challenges, operating in the network of governments, corporations and social movements that has formed around these issues. In close interaction with diverse stakeholders, GCF performs research and provides a pluralistic communication platform to clarify differences and produce analyses that summarize and advance our state of knowledge in critical areas, and especially to provide arguments for long-term mitigation and adaptation policies, ultimately leading towards sustainable development pathways. GCF’s research focuses on problems where different stakeholders have differing views, and GCF cultivates pluralistic exchanges on a basis of mutual respect, which requires a capability to learn from each other in situations in which consensus is impossible, perhaps not even desirable. GCF has been the first institution in Europe to apply the multiple modelling platform called ‘Decision Theatre’ and to do so in a participatory way for the case of urban mobility and social-ecological systems’ interactions.
The faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management of Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands), is experienced in multi-disciplinary research on grand challenges such as climate change and energy transition. Successful energy researchers work together in platforms and dedicated labs and have strong networks within Dutch and international public and private organisations. Their findings are widely applied in policies, services, and products.
CIRPA was established in 2005 to promote Environmental Psychology in Italy and networks researchers from several Universities including Sapienza (headquarter) and Padua. The aim of CIRPA is to carry out both basic and applied research in order to better understanding and therefore improving people-environment relationships. Research-intervention projects have been developed in a number of areas including education, design, attitude and behavioural change, energy policy and sustainable energy communities. Studies conducted by CIRPA have been funded by different European Community Programmes, but also local administrations, universities and private companies.
The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), conducts research to understand, advance, and guide processes of societal change towards sustainable development. The institute’s research approach is transformative, transdisciplinary, and co-creative: it collaborates with diverse actors from science, policy, business and civil society to generate potential solutions. The Energy Transition Dynamics group investigates policies for a transition to a fully renewable energy system, in Europe and beyond. Its research builds on transition theories and evolutionary economics, seeking to combine insight about how transitions work and how policy interventions can be designed to trigger deep transformation.
Ecole d’Economie de Paris – Paris School of Economics aims to develop economics research of the highest international standard and to disseminate the results. It brings together a community of 140 researchers and around 200 PhD students, and offers teaching in Masters, PhD, and Executive Education courses at the cutting edge of the discipline. PSE is among the top 5 economics departments in the world. Founded by the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), the École normale supérieure (ENS), the École des Ponts ParisTech, Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA), and the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, PSE involves private and institutional partners. Now firmly established as a feature on the global academic landscape, PSE promotes exchanges between economic analysis and the other social sciences, delivers its scholarship to a broad public, and supports the work of its teams in multiple partnerships with public institutions and private organizations.
Nordland Research Institute is a multidisciplinary social scientific institute, with competence in major social scientific fields, such as anthropology, sociology, political science, business economics and innovation studies. NRI’s research projects and publications cover a wide range of economic-industrial, administrative and geopolitical issues related to regional and Norwegian issues, as well as Europe and the Arctic north. Several projects explore indigenous issues, especially in relation to climate change or other environmental issues.
The Wegener Center is an interdisciplinary research centre in the UNIGRAZ Field of Excellence “Climate Change and Sustainable Transformation”. The Wegener Center research group “Economics of Climate and Environmental Change” (EconClim) has extensive experience in quantitative economic modelling, in energy and GHG mitigation policy analysis at the international and (sub)national level, and the (macro)economic feedbacks thereof acknowledging international trade embedding. Previous projects include Energy Modelling Forums (EMF) on carbon leakage and on Carbon Pricing after Paris. H2020 TransRisk project on transition pathways; H2020 SENTINEL project implementing a Sustainable Energy Transitions Laboratory; or the H2020 COACCH project analyzing socioeconomic tipping points induced by climate change impacts.
The University of Piraeus Research Center (UPRC) provides administration and technological support to European and National projects carried out by the staff of the University of Piraeus (UNIPI). The Technoeconomics of Energy Systems laboratory (TEESlab) is the energy modelling, strategy and policy analysis laboratory of UNIPI, with a focus on transitions pathways towards a low-carbon economy. Central pillar of the laboratory’s research is the socio-economic consequences of both abrupt and gradual energy transitions. A collection of transdisciplinary approaches, methods and tools are available for the quantitative and the qualitative assessment of critical issues governing the future evolution of the energy system.
Czech Republic
Palacký University Olomouc (PUO) is the second-oldest public university in the Czech Republic and one of the top-ranked Czech universities according to global reputation for education and academic excellence. The Department of Geography at the Faculty of Science (whose members work on the TIPPING+ project) was established in 1959 and it has been intensively involved both in teaching students and scientific research. The human geographers at the Department of Geography in their research focus on geographical aspects of the ongoing energy transition, spatial interactions and their conceptualisations, spatial organisation of daily urban systems, the quality of life and spatial behaviour, mapping of changes in cultural landscapes, and some other topics. The team members have been involved in thematically related projects, such as RELY (´Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality´) and ENGELA (´Energy Landscapes: Innovation, Development and Internationalization of Research´).
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Westport Consulting is a private company, one of the very few in the region to offer consulting services in multidisciplinary fields such as sustainable development solutions (transport, mobility, energy, environment), business development, capacity development, and cross-cutting services. The sustainable solutions department focuses on services with a wide range of aspects of green economy development in the effort to reduce the environmental, economic and social impact of energy consumption and production, transportation, mobility and waste in urban and rural areas. To facilitate easy transition and changes, Westport Consulting offers capabilities, self-defined methodology, proven tools and methods to help its clients plan and execute programs of change, whether the program complements an individual, company or organization transformation or focuses on more nationwide change programs.
SNSPA – National School of Political Studies and Public Administration is an institution of higher education, since its establishment, has been involved in numerous national and international projects type Tempus Phare, Erasmus, Minerva, Leonadro da Vinci, CNCSIS, ANCS, projects financed by the World Bank, European Commission, Institute of International Education, the Fulbright Commission, Salzburg Seminar, Open Society Foundation, etc. Since 2019, SNSPA is member of the CIVICA consortium with EUI, LSE, CEU. SNSPA has implemented the Towards a Green Economy with low CO2 emissions - SEVERCO2, EVAL-EPPP Inter-university cooperation for the development of courses and quality master programmes in the field of programme and public policy evaluation - ESF / SOP HRD.
The Institute for Structural Research (IBS) is an independent and politically neutral research foundation based in Warsaw. The institute's research studies focus on economic analysis and evaluating the consequences of public policies in areas such as labour markets, demography, education, family policy, public finance as well as energy and climate. IBS relies on modern modelling, statistical, econometric and IT tools. It takes great care to ensure its research is objective and based on sound methodology. Within the energy and climate research programme IBS develops analytical tools to predict the impact of energy policies on employment, move forward energy poverty measurement methodologies and support fair transition of Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions.
Aalborg University (AAU) is a Danish public university with campuses in Aalborg, Esbjerg, and Copenhagen founded in 1974. Aalborg University provides high-quality research within natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and engineering and health sciences and focuses on strong national and international world-class research groups representing the academic areas of the University. The Department of Planning belongs to the Technical Faculty of IT and Design at AAU. The Department of Planning covers the field of development and planning in a broad sense, and thereby it reaches from the social science aspects of development (technological, environmental, international and administrative aspects) to physical planning, sector planning, land management, and to technical subjects such as road engineering, road safety, surveying and mapping. The Danish Centre for Environmental Impact Assessment (DCEA) is connected to the Department. DCEA is an interdisciplinary research and policy engagement centre within the field of impact assessment and environmental governance. DCEA is the leading research centre connecting impact assessment practice to theories of decision-making and governance, with a strong focus on critical engagement with governments, business and civil society within regional, national and international policy making arenas.
Sustainability and Resilience ( is an environmental Think-Do-Be-Tank based in Bali, Indonesia and has gained expertise in developing sustainability projects including four Horizon 2020 projects since 2016.'s projects involved renewable energy, developing green businesses, building climate-resilient agriculture, and creating mitigation and adaptation solutions to climate change. With three departments think-tank, do-tank, and be (learning)-tank synergizing. These research projects are brought to life namely by developing affordable biogas digesters, producing sustainable coffee and chocolate (planning soap and candle now), co-hosting climate field schools for farmers with Indonesia Meteorological Agency, and conducting hands-on sustainability trainings to young generations. has also contributed to make a national target on cleaning cooking stoves in Mid-Term Development Plan 2020-4 as based on our research and sustainable businesses. The projects and technologies have helped to build a network of international and national partners and institutionalise the processes in order to self-sustain our community.
Eco-union is an independent environmental NGO based in Barcelona (Spain), aiming to accelerate the ecological transition of the Euro-Mediterranean region. Energy and Climate Change is one of Eco-union's key area of expertise as it is currently involved in the H2020 Project PROSEU to mainstreaming prosumers (self-consumption of renewable energy by citizens and non-utilities actors) in Europe. Eco-union has also published several policy reports on Green economy, Climate finance and SDGs at Euro-Mediterranean level. Eco-union is a member of Climate Action Network Europe (CAN-E) to access and influence policy and decision-makers at national and EU level. Eco-union usually participates – and sometimes organizes – side-events at UNFCCC COPs and EU energy events.
Innolab Space (ILS) is a Non-profit organization (NGO) incorporated in Alberta, Canada in 2016 aiming to bridge the gap between traditionally academic spheres and spheres championing social and environmental causes. Innolab Space seeks to merge different spheres of expertise to find innovative solutions to age-old problems. ILS tackles a wide variety of projects, but always at the core of what it does, is an interdisciplinary approach and vision for a sustainable and better transition to the future. ILS team counts with a wide experience in engineering, business, technology and innovation projects.
Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland – is recognized as an Arctic university that carries out research and education activities focused on arctic cultures, languages, and health and social conditions. Since it was established in 1984, the university has developed an attractive and wide-ranging research environment, and Ilisimatusarfik graduates are in demand. By virtue of its central geographical position in the Arctic and specialization in questions related to Arctic society, health conditions and cultures, Ilisimatusarfik is a university that is promoting development and innovation at a time and in a society in which there is an acute need for knowledge, growth and long-term solutions. The quality and knowledge regarding research and education that Ilisimatusarfik represents must continue to be relevant to society and reinforced in relation to the challenges facing the country in close dialogue and dynamic cooperation together with the community around it. Ilisimatusarfik highly prioritises cooperation with the outside world, locally as well as internationally. Ilisimatusarfik wishes to bridge the university world with the business community and the public sector, because in a collaboration between the sectors, everyone is contributing strong professionalism and combining new thinking and innovation in a fruitful system.